Posts tagged #Applications

Fourth ________(adj.) Festival Launch (title ad-libs)

It’s springtime at the Charm City Fringe HQ, and we're getting excited! Although the 2015 festival is months away, (block out your calendars for your Fringe Fest binge, November 8-15th) the Fringe team has been busy building up the festival, as well as the March launch of our new project, Fringe Academy: Opening Act.

Applications Open: 2015 Fringe Festival

SUPER IMPORTANT things of note:  Fringe is accepting artist applications for the 2015 festival starting on April 1st (no fools!).  That’s tomorrow folks. The Fringe team will begin eagerly awaiting YOUR application. For more information on the application process please visit the Charm City Fringe Festival Application Page.  If you don’t have all the details of your production ironed out just yet, fret not, the application deadline is June 28th 2015.

Workshop Launch: Fringe Academy

Fringe Academy: Opening Act is a place where Baltimore’s youth and young artists can learn all aspects of theatre – from acting to producing – to breed a new generation of active and involved citizens and artists within Baltimore: future business-people, artists, entertainers, and patrons of the arts alike. CCF began this process in 2013 with the Choice Program, offering volunteer opportunities for youth in the community. Learn more about Fringe Academy: Opening Act and how you can volunteer or participate by emailing with the subject line “Opening Act.”

Two workshop participants, including one of our very own Volunteer Coordinators, having what looks to be a fun time, or a terrible time, it's hard to read.

Two workshop participants, including one of our very own Volunteer Coordinators, having what looks to be a fun time, or a terrible time, it's hard to read.

Fringe After Hours

Additionally, the festival is again holding a free sign-up for performers at the festival’s Fringe After Hours events and after parties. The application will be open and available online from May through September, or until all available slots are filled. Bands, comics, and other performers can make inquiries to

Get Involved

Last but certainly not least: Fringe is a volunteer based organization and we are always looking for a fresh set of eyes and talent. If you are interested in giving back to the Baltimore arts community we invite you volunteer with us. We promise we don’t bite... 

Please follow the link to learn more about volunteering with Charm City Fringe . If you don’t have time to volunteer, please consider a tax deductible donation.

Stay tuned for more information on our Nights on the Fringe event coming this summer. Enjoy the warm spring weather, but stay cool Fringe Friends!

-Jenna Nicole Salmon, Marketing Manager

Your contribution directly bolsters the ongoing efforts of Charm City Fringe and its year-round services to Baltimore's artists, audiences, and youth.

It's Fringe, Let's Throw Some Spaghetti

Spring… I hear it’s coming. And with it the crack of Chris Davis’ homeruns, the JFX Farmer’s market, and the beginning of a new year for Charm City Fringe. This is going to be an exciting year for independent theatre in Baltimore, friends.

I saw two incredible pieces of theatre recently. The first was Twelfth Night at Centerstage. It’s open for a few more days. If you enjoy the bard go see it for its wit, lovely acting, and perfect concept. If you prefer, you are likely to find the cast hanging out afterwards at Midtown BBQ & Brew. More interestingly, I saw the final local performance of the Baltimore Rock Opera Society’s Grundlehammer.

I am a theatre snob. There, I said it. I’ve seen hundreds of plays and musicals over the years. I worked on Broadway. I have two degrees and thousands of additional training hours. Currently, I am a professional production manager. I want shows that are clean, well-directed, efficiently told. On the surface, the BROS don’t meet the myriad of high standards I typically have. Transitions are slow, audio is often not mixed well, story lines are sometimes suspect at best. Grundlehammer is three hours of all of these things and the unadulterated joy of the entire company and the sold out house.

There is something amazing about what I saw on Sunday. The spirit, creativity, ingenuity of the Baltimore Rock Opera Society took me outside of my bubble, and made me forget about my standards. I was so entertained by their passion for their project. Everyone from the band, to the guy under the set who you could hear opening his beer can in a quiet moment, to the leads had me from the get-go. This kind of work is why I love and support small, independent artists and theatre companies. It’s why I believe in things like Fringe Festivals.

I’m hoping that 2014 continues stretching artists in the direction of their passion and stories. I'm so excited to see what kinds of artists and projects we will be cultivating this year at Charm City Fringe. This is a chance for a performer/company to take a risk and produce a piece they’ve been thinking about. Get something in front of an audience so it can continue on with its growth process. Throw some spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks. Beginning April 1st, we will be looking for this year’s Fringe Stars. I, personally, can’t wait to see what you send us.

This year we also have a few additional opportunities to get involved. We are opening up a free application process to Bands and Comics who are interested in performing at our After Hours events and parties during the Festival week. Currently, we have a poster contest going on for this year’s Charm City Fringe Festival Poster Design. I’m thinking about entering myself… We are also in the process of talks with venues to ensure the most professional experience possible for our 2014 artists this year.

I gotta say, I’m STOKED to be working on this year’s Charm City Fringe Festival. And we are always open to getting more people involved. Drop us a line if you also want to be a part of creating and engaging in independent theatre in Baltimore. Let’s show the world that we are more than just Natty Boh, Raven’s Football, and The Wire! Our city, our stage!

Kate Gibson

Production Manager and Indy Theatre Lover

The Fringe Poster Contest will remain open for seven more days, just like that [quippy movie reference]!